What is a Group of Flamingos Called?

A group of flamingos is commonly referred to as a “flamboyance.” This term is often used due to the flamboyant and vibrant appearance of these birds, especially when they gather in large numbers.

Flamingos are a type of wading bird known for their distinctive long legs, necks, and pink or reddish plumage. Here are some key facts about flamingos:

a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance

Fun Flamingo Facts

Habitat: Flamingos are found in a variety of habitats, including lakes, lagoons, mudflats, and coastal areas. They are most commonly associated with saltwater lakes and lagoons.

Diet: Their diet primarily consists of algae, plankton, crustaceans, and small aquatic insects. Their unique feeding behaviour involves filtering food from the water using their specialized bills.

Physical Characteristics:

Coloration: The pink or reddish colour of a flamingo’s feathers is due to pigments in the food they eat, such as carotenoids found in algae and crustaceans.

Legs: Flamingos have long, thin legs with webbed feet, allowing them to wade in shallow water. Their knees are not visible externally; what appears to be a backward-bending knee is actually the ankle joint.

Social Structure:

Flamingos are social birds and often form large colonies. These colonies can consist of thousands of individuals. Within a colony, they engage in various social behaviours, including synchronized group movements and vocalizations.

a large colony or


Flamingos are known for their elaborate courtship displays. They often gather in large groups, where individuals engage in synchronized displays involving head-flagging, wing salutes, and marching. Flamingos typically lay a single egg on a mud mound, and both parents take turns incubating the egg.

to flamingos together


There are six recognized species of flamingos, with the greater flamingo being the largest and most widespread. Other species include the lesser flamingo, Chilean flamingo, Andean flamingo, James’s flamingo, and the American flamingo.


Flamingos have several unique adaptations, including a filtering mechanism in their bills that allows them to extract food from water. The bill is bent downward, and the large tongue pumps water in and out, trapping food particles.


While flamingos are not generally considered endangered, some species and populations face threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and disturbance of breeding sites. Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect and manage flamingo populations.

Flamingos are fascinating birds with their striking appearance and interesting behaviours, making them a popular subject of study and admiration.

Interested In Learning More? Check out these resources:

National Geographic Kids


San Diego Zoo Flamingos

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